Friday, April 20, 2007


I have now managed to articulate what I have been thinking for many months, possibly years now (especially having got my own place):

A Friday or Saturday night out has to be mind-bendingly, life-affirmingly, great in order to beat a night in at home.

Don't care how that makes me look. I love home.

Also, update on the PMT (Possibly Moving Thing) my boss told me today to look at the 'career breaks' section of our work policies, and indeed I can (in theory, if my head of division agrees) get up to 12 months break and then come back to my old job. This is an amazing answer to prayer. Now all I have to do is persuade him (whose initials are PD so many call him P Diddy) to let me do it...


Unknown said...

Please don't go! All my friends keep leaving the country. What is it that I do to them?

Well, you probably should go, it would be an amazing experience, but you'll be greatly missed. Glad to hear that things are working out.

Of course, there's no place like home :-)

AdventuringJen said...

Come! Come soon! ;)
Career breaks are a mighty clever thing. Technically I am still on one (though mine is not so big or clever...)
And yeah, evenings in are the best. I spent my Friday evening on my own, knitting, contemplating hot chocolate (I was actually too lazy to make it) and vegging. Was marvellous.