Monday, May 19, 2008

Scrap that. I've left. I got offered a job at Audit New Zealand (equivalent of Audit Commission in UK), who audit government depts/orgs/bodies. Really enjoying it. Bit of a novelty working in a place that I would never think/be able to work in at home. My two temping experiences so far have been great. They have given me a lot of insight into my skills, interests and options, and are a great way to meet people and get access to an instant social life - this sort of access into normal people is what backpackers generally miss and is what I really wanted. I'm helping implement a new (better in various ways) method of resourcing the audits so that it is better planned and staff are happier with what they are doing. I'll be here for a couple of months.

I now start even earlier, and start work at 8am. This means I am getting up at 6ish and leaving at 7 for a walk through the bush and gardens and into town, watching the sun come up over the high-rise buildings. It's very beautiful. Probably won't be so when it rains, but hey! A much higher proportion than other cities in the country get to work either on public transport or walk. Nearly everyone walking into work wears trainers, so to begin with it is a strange sight of men an women in smart suits with trainers (though there are also a good number of people who jog past me, presumably with their smart clothes in their rucksack...). I need to work out how to retain the ability to get up early, and using a healthy way to get to work. I think a bike is going to be the answer.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm clearly never leaving The Firm

Yep. My previous boss sidled up to me and asked if I would be interested in some more work after the end of next week when my current job ends. Obviously I said yes. But that I wanted a few days off to lie in bed first. She said she'd negotiate it. I'm never going...

Right. So went to Napier. The best bit was the travelling in my car and discovering an incredible waterfall with noone else there or anywhere around for miles and miles and miles. It was amazing and when I can get some pictures here I will.

Napier was pretty and reminded me a bit of Hove because it was by the sea and relaxed. I found a brilliant ice-cream place and had manuka honey and passion-fruit scoops :)

Dangerously I have discovered a nice cafe that I walk past on my way to work every day. I am limiting myself to two per week. Aren't I good?

I am looking forward to this weekend to relax, cook, and read a book.