Tuesday, April 1, 2008


My notes on what to blog about go like this, with meanings:
  • hidden bar - because I have found out that dancing places do exist in Wellington (as I suspected...) but that they hide them away around corners and through other rooms so that you presuem it is just another bar. Now I shall know what to look for.
  • Kimi present - Jo gave me a picture of lovely Kimi in a little frame. Well done Jo. All I need now is one of me gazing at him for the other side of the frame.
  • black feet - I was dancing barefoot in the club where we went for some dancing as part of my birthday. I had some VERY dirty feet when I looked in the morning.
  • rain - it finally rained. It hasn't rained a lot since I arrived, but it chucked it down on Saturday and it was nice.
  • extention of work - ACC have asked me to stay until the end of the month, such is my knowledge of templates, styles, and formatting in Word. That's one to brag about.
  • Shortland Street - Neighbours is on too early for me to get back and watch. SS is on at 7pm and I am now a big fan. Hurrah for headline-grabbing storylines about serial killers.
  • 'my words' - I discovered recently the list of words on my phone that I have added, ie that weren't not in the dictionary that comes with the phone. It tells a certain story of parts of my life. If you have such a phone, I recommend a look at the words which you felt it necessary to text to someone. I shall share just a part of my alphabetical list: Sainsburys, seafront, rhubarb. plonker, podcast, snog, pootle, prix.
  • lack of fair trade - says it all really. Am very surprised and disappointed at how niche the market still is here. I am used to a lot of choice from Supermarkets, even in small dairy's, but not here. There is a shop called TradeAid where you can get all the stuff, but the cross-over to it being a normal item to be found in any shop, is still a long way off. Not even tea, coffee, chocolate and sugar. It's really sad.